Supporting educators of color and building communities of solidarity.


I’m interested in partnering with schools who are implementing strategic institutional changes, especially the creation of environments where marginalized members of the community can thrive. What is the “next best version” of your community, one that requires imagination but is also achievable in the next couple of years? I have a reputation for being action-oriented, creative, and consensus-building.


I’ve worked one-on-one with a number of teachers and administrators of color. This can include instructional coaching, strategic guidance for leaders, and generally providing a sounding board to folx of color navigating a school setting. I can meet virtually throughout the school year and conduct 2-3 in-person visits as well.

My facilitation experience includes:

NAIS People of Color Conference

AISNE DEI and Wellness Conferences

NJAIS Administrator Institutes

People of Color in Independent Schools New England

Education Justice Coalition of Vermont

School clients have included:

Rivers School (MA)

Phillips Exeter Academy (NH)

Grace Church School (NY)

Vermont Academy (VT)

Workshop Examples

Reimagining School for People of Color

Educators of color often say, “These schools weren’t made for us.” What if they were? Let’s reimagine what school can look like and brainstorm concrete ways that our schools can center children of color.

Meditation As A Liberatory Practice

Mindful practices have become very popular in schools, but they are often taken out of context and appropriated. Meditation is not just about emotional regulation or personal stress reduction; it comes out of ancient liberatory practices. Let's reframe the ways that we are using meditation practices in our schools and work towards collective thriving.

Imagining Solidarity

As a country, we have become increasingly aware of how not to treat each other, but what does true solidarity look like? Through this interactive workshop, participants will reflect on times that people have shown up for them, imagine what a community of solidarity could look like, and brainstorm ways we can make that happen together. This topic is accessible for participants at all levels of DEIJ work.

Towards Thriving APISA Communities

How are your Asian, Pacific Islander, and South Asian students, families, faculty, and staff? What would it take for all of them to be truly thriving in your school community? We will go briefly into Asian American history and learn about needs that may or may not be met in your school. This workshop will provide a space for you to reflect and brainstorm action items with colleagues.